Art of Appreciation Gift Baskets -Heart Healthy Gourmet Food Gift Basket is a very good product and a lot of people who have used it. You comes at the right place. you can get special offer for Art of Appreciation Gift Baskets -Heart Healthy Gourmet Food Gift Basket in amazon.You can choose to buy a product and Art of Appreciation Gift Baskets -Heart Healthy Gourmet Food Gift Basket at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction in amazon...
List Price: $89.99
Price: $83.06
You Save: $6.93 (8%)

Product Features
A gift specially designed for that health-conscience person in your life - nothing bland here - Just gourmet good taste!
Spoil someone with these flavorful snacks and gourmet treats that are delicious and GOOD FOR YOU!
Each gift is hand crafted with attention to detail and includes a personalized gift card to convey your best wishes.
Eat well but stay healthy with Pesto Pasta Sauce, Whole Wheat Pasta, premium Pacific Northwest Smoked Salmon, Whole Wheat Crackers, Italian Breadsticks, Olives, Chocolate Almond Oatmeal Bar, Green Tea, Simply Fruit Spread, Stone Mountain Health Snack Mix, Smoked Almonds and fat free Lemon Drop Candies. ** Please note food items DO contain sodium and may not be appropriate for those watching sodium intake.
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For Birthday Gifts